Call for nominatiions: the 67th Nishina Memorial Prize in 2021[Dead line: August 31, 2021]
The Nishina Memorial Foundation invites you to nominate candidates for the 67th Nishina Memorial Prize in 2021.
Since its establishment in 1955, the Foundation has awarded Nishina Memorial Prizes every year for the outstanding achievements completed in wide spectrum research field of basic and applied physics. For the Prize winners and their achievements so far, refer to here.
The Prizes will be granted to three achievements at maximum every year. Medals and monetary prize of JPY 600,000 will be awarded to one achievement. The Prize winners will be chosen by the selection committee, and they will be announced in October, 2021. The winners will be invited to the award ceremony on December 6 (Dr. Nishina’s birth day), 2021.
Nominations of candidates are now being solicited. Self-nomination is not accepted. Nominators are requested to send to the Nishina Memorial Foundation a letter of nomination ( an example of a nomination form is available) and copies of the most significant publications by either an e-mail (Address: or by a regular mail (Address: 2-28-45 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8941, JAPAN) (e-mail is preferred).
Please help us to choose outstanding scientists by making a nomination for this Prize. In case that you re-nominate the same candidate, you can identify the name of the candidate in the nomination form by omitting other materials unless you have any additions.
Nomination deadline is on August 31, 2021